The Deeper Problems Behind Human Trafficking


I’ve yet to meet someone who isn’t shocked by the prevalence of modern-day slavery.

We’re shocked that it preys on children. We’re shocked by the dirty, dangerous, demeaning work that innocent people are manipulated and coerced into doing. We’re just shocked that it even happens—especially here in North America.

But here’s something else that might shock you: human trafficking is a symptom of a larger problem.

Yes, it is estimated that upward of 35 million people are enslaved throughout the world. Yes, slavery is the second largest criminal industry. Yes, it generates somewhere around $32 billion a year. Yes, it is certainly a problem. It’s just not the problem.

Ultimately, the problem isn’t human trafficking—the problem is brokenness. As finite and flawed humans, we’re broken in just about every way. And it’s because of the brokenness in ourselves and our communities that exploitation can thrive.

This article was originally published on RELEVANT. See the full version here>>